25th Annual Pasture Walk

Big Spring Farm

683 Blankenship rd, Adolphus KY 42101

10 am – 3 pm Central time

RSVP: Greg Brann

An interactive field discussion to assist folks in managing the water cycle, nutrient cycle, energy flow, and biological interactions.

Our Management Goals:

Managing pastures for optimum quality and quantity

Managing water with proper placement and access

Managing livestock for easy keeping and higher profitability

Managing soil moisture, carbon, and other nutrients (no commercial fertilizer in 15 years)


Discussion Topics: Led by Greg Brann


Grass, clover, and forb mixes

Application of regenerative ag.

Water points

Addressing Resource Concerns

Multi-paddock and multi-species grazing (cow-calf to finish, hair sheep to finish, goats for weed management, farrow to finish hogs, 100% grass-fed dairy, and wool sheep for fiber and meat)

Weed management: high-density grazing, goats, and clipping

Sacrifice paddock management

Fly control

Hay feeding


$40 for the event, lunch provided with on-farm meats, and Brayden will cater again this year.