Thursday, October 17, 10 am to 4 pm CDT
683 Blankenship Rd, Adolphus, KY 42120
An interactive field discussion to assist folks in managing the water cycle, nutrient cycle, energy flow, and biological interactions.
We’ll gather some of the brightest and most innovative farmers for an interactive field discussion on improving soil, grass, livestock, and our lives through Regenerative farming practices. We’re expecting a big crowd this year since we’ll be the final portion of the Heart of America Grazing Conference. The link below will take you to the conference page, where you can read about the conference and prepay for the pasture walk.
I’ve been experimenting with new products from Redmond Agriculture on our livestock and have been trying out new Gallagher Fence products that we’ll review.
180 acres came out of CRP this year, and we’re encouraged to see all the native grasses increasing naturally. We’ll talk about how we’re rejuvenating and renovating pastures and improving the genetics of the herds and flocks.
I’ve been experimenting with new products from Redmond Agriculture on our livestock and have been trying out new Gallagher Fence products that we’ll review and have available for sale.
180 acres came out of CRP this year, and we’re encouraged to see all the native grasses increasing naturally. We’ll talk about how we’re rejuvenating and renovating pastures and improving the genetics of the herds and flocks.
Our Management Goals:
Managing pastures for optimum quality and quantity
Managing water points with proper placement and access
Managing livestock for easy keeping and higher profitability
Managing soil moisture, carbon, and other nutrients (no commercial fertilizer in 16 years)
Discussion Topics: Led by Greg Brann and Chris Teutsch
Walnut Silvopasture
Annuals and natural regeneration of native grass
Soil Health and pasture management
Multi-paddock and multi-species grazing (cow-calf to finish, hair sheep to finish, goats for weed management, woodland hogs, 100% grass-fed dairy, and wool sheep for fiber and meat)
Weed management: Pasture renovation: bale grazing and seeding
Creative rationing of grass
Managing 100% grass-fed dairy cows
Hay feeding strategies
Stockpiling Grass for winter feeding
Production Cattle sale this year – Including our 5-year-old Herford Bull
$45 for the event, lunch provided with farm raised meats, and Brayden will cater again this year.